Please join the department of Biological Chemistry in congratulating our third year students on their coating ceremony! The Graduate Coating Ceremony honors Ph.D. candidates who have passed their qualifying exams, transitioning from a Ph.D. student to a Ph.D. candidate. Pictured back row: Dr. Stephen Gould, Director, Graduate Program Biological Chemistry; front row (l-r): Fiddia Zahra, Neha Shah, Suyeon Kim, Akanksha Aggarwal.
Dr. Erin Goley named one of the inaugural Randall J. Reed Scholars. This award recognizes the research excellence and accomplishments of outstanding primary early and midcareer faculty in the nine basic science departments in the School of Medicine. The awards are named for Dr. Randall Reed, professor emeritus in the department of molecular biology and genetics, whose research focused on olfactory systems.
We gratefully acknowledge the significant and lasting gift to the Meffert lab and to the Department of Biological Chemistry by the Eric C. Aker Endowment from The Braude Foundation. This fund will further the lifelong passion of Eric C. Aker for scientific discovery and the communication of science to the public.
Dr. Erin Goley named a Fellow of The American Society for Cell Biology in 2023.
Bonita Powell named one of HHMI’s Gilliam Fellows for 2023.
Chenxu Guo is a Young Investigators: 2023 Award Winner, receiving the Alicia Showalter Reynolds Research Award.
Dr. Mollie Meffert (Department of Biological Chemistry’s Co-Director) is the recipient of the 2023 Hamilton Smith Award for Innovative Research. Dr. Meffert’s research focuses on post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in the mammalian nervous system. This has included demonstrating a role for NFkB in dendritic spine morphology, showing how miRNAs sculpt the protein synthesis landscape during the neurotrophin response, and defining the role of the miRNA biogenesis regulating protein, Lin28, in neuronal plasticity in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Most recently, the Meffert lab has optimized an Argonaut Crosslinking and Immunoprecipitation (Ago-CLIP) approach to experimentally define in a genome-wide manner which miRNAs are associated with which mRNAs on the Ago complex in cells and tissues.
Dr. Michal Caterina, Department of Biological Chemistry’s Director, is featured in Johns Hopkins Magazine for his role in pioneering research uncovering the receptor conferring responsiveness to the capsaicin component of chili peppers. Capsaicin targets a subset of neurons through the TRPV1 ion channel receptor, which also participates in endogenous responses to stimuli including temperatures of 107 Fahrenheit and above. The Caterina lab continues to generate fundamental insights into the mechanisms conferring somatosensory responses under healthy conditions and in the context of pathology.
Biological Chemistry is delighted to welcome our newest faculty hire, Dr. Jonathan Lynch! The Lynch lab explores the molecular determinants of host-microbe symbiosis. Dr. Lynch has increased our understanding of how diverse microbial communities interact with their associated animal hosts, and improved our ability to use microbiota to foster host health.
Four scientists were named Paul T. Englund Emerging Scholars, recognizing their achievements in research on biochemical, biophysical and cellular mechanisms at the molecular level and their impact on creating a diverse and inclusive future of science. The award will be given annually by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Department of Biological Chemistry and is named for the late, renowned biochemist Paul Englund, Ph.D.
The Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility receives $1.7 million from Gov. Hogan’s Maryland Cancer Moonshot Initiative.
This summer, Governor Hogan announced his Maryland Cancer Moonshot Initiative to accelerate comprehensive cutting-edge research “to detect, prevent, treat, and find a cure for cancer.” Exposure to air pollution is of growing concern. It is classified as a known human carcinogen. Strong associations between air pollution exposure and lung cancer mortality are well established, and levels of lung cancer are increasing throughout the US, including Maryland. On August 1, 2022, $1.7 million from the Cancer Moonshot grant was awarded to the Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility, directed by Dr. Robert Cole (Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Biological Chemistry). The award is for purchasing two new mass spectrometer systems to advance the facility’s capacity and capabilities in assessing an individual’s exposure level to tobacco and other air pollutants. With support from the Maryland CRF and in collaboration with Dr. John Groopman, (Professor of Preventive Medicine, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and Associate Director for Population Sciences in the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center), Drs. Cole and Groopman recently published a mass spectrometry-based method to detect air pollutants in human blood. Their goal is to use this method to establish a panel of exposure biomarkers that correlate with high cancer risk, especially lung cancer, and develop effective strategies to dramatically reduce the individual’s risk of developing cancer. Moreover, the Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility supports the clinical and basic science cancer research programs across all three Hopkins campuses and four major research centers, including of over 30 labs per year in the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and several labs at the University of Maryland, Morgan State University and other Maryland academic and private institutions. The Governor Hogan’s Maryland Cancer Moonshot Initiative allows our facility to continue developing and providing cost-effective, state-of-the-art novel proteomic applications to accelerate the cancer research of investigators at Johns Hopkins and intuitions across Maryland.
- Chris Mahone receives Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund internship (Goley Lab)
- Kyle Cavagnini receives a FASEB science policy internship (Wolfgang Lab)
- Congratulations to our Leader…
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021 was awarded jointly to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian “for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch”. Our own Michael J. Caterina, then a postdoctoral fellow in the Julius lab, conducted an unbiased functional screen based on the assumption that a single gene can confer capsaicin sensitivity in cells that are normally insensitive to capsaicin. To find this putative gene, Julius and coworkers made a cDNA library from rodent dorsal root ganglia that contain the cell bodies of the capsaicin-activated sensory neurons. Capsaicin-insensitive cells were transfected with batches of these cDNAs and eventually a single cDNA clone was isolated that could confer responsiveness to capsaicin [17] (Figure 1A).Understanding the action of capsaicin has since provided insights into pain signaling which has remained a focus of Michael Caterina’s laboratory. For Q&A, click HERE .
Caterina, M.J., M.A. Schumacher, M. Tominaga, T.A. Rosen, J.D. Levine, and D. Julius, The capsaicin receptor: a heat-activated ion channel in the pain pathway. Nature, 1997. 389(6653): p. 816-24. - Erin Goley profiled in Current Biology
- Daniel Raben has been named an inaugural ASBMB Fellow.
- Michael Wolfgang named Director, Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research
- Joel Pomerantz, recipient of the Lee Hood Prize in Biomedical Science!
- Dr. Pomerantz’s research is focused on cell signaling pathways in the immune system. At Johns Hopkins, Dr. Pomerantz has focused on CARD11, a protein that acts as a hub for signals that link antigen engagement at the cell surface with control of gene expression in the nucleus. His work has revealed how CARD11 functions and how oncogenic mutations in CARD11 contribute to a subset of lymphomas. Motivated by his dissection of immune signaling pathways, Dr. Pomerantz has developed innovative technologies for genetic screens in mammalian tissue culture cells.
Awards to Current Students
- Chris Mahone receives Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund internship (Goley Lab)
- Kyle Cavagnini receives a FASEB science policy internship (Wolfgang Lab)
- William T. Mills receives a NIH NRSA Fellowship (Meffert Lab)
- Nicole Carter receives a NIH NRSA Fellowship (Pomerantz Lab)
- Danielle Smith receives a National Science Foundation GRFP Fellowship (Wolfgang Lab)
- Michael Hopkins receives a National Science Foundation GRFP Fellowship (Margolis Lab)
- Xinbei Li, DC/Baltimore area Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting People’s Choice Award for her research presentation (Meffert lab)
- William T. Mills, DC/Baltimore area Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2nd place overall for his research presentation (Meffert lab)
- Turock Travel Awards enable students to attend conferences, meetings and/or workshops to help advance their professional goals. Applications are submitted to the BC Review Committee for consideration. Congratulations to the 2019 Turock Award recipients:
- Jacquelyn Bedsaul: The American Association of Immunologists National Mtg (Pomerantz lab)
- Emily Cook: EMBO Workshop “The ubiquitin system: biology, mechanisms, and roles in disease” (Margolis lab)
- Allison Daitch: Gordon Research Conference “Bacterial Cell Surfaces” (Goley lab)
- William Mills: Gordon Research Conference “Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation” (Meffert lab)
- Xiaoguang Li: Young Investigator Day, The Bae Gyo Jung Research Award (Peter Devreotes lab)
- Xiaoguang Li: American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (Peter Devreotes lab)
- Kyle Cavagnini: 2015-2016 Drescher Endowment Fund for Graduate Medical Research Award recipient (Michael Wolfgang lab). Established by William and Mary Drescher this award reflects the donors’ intent to support training for gifted young scientists at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Awards to Graduates
- Cory White recently named as an NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience D-SPAN Scholar (Wolfgang Lab)
- Selam Abi Woldemeskel: Young Investigator Day, The Michael A. Shanoff Research Award (Erin Goley lab)
- Yuchuan Miao: Young Investigator Day, Michael A. Shanoff Research Award (Peter Devreotes lab)
- Adriana Landeros: National Science Foundation Fellowship (O’Connor lab)
- Caitlyn Bowman: Young Investigator Day, Paul Talalay Award (Michael Wolfgang lab)
- Kapil Ramachandran: Young Investigator Day, Martin and Carol Macht Award (Seth Margolis lab)
- Jieun Lee: Young Investigator’s Day, David I. Macht Award (Michael Wolfgang lab)
- Susan Liao: Sigma Xi Scientific Research Award (Ryuya Fukunaga lab)
For the second time, the Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research GIARlogo (GIAR) program has provided Susan with $500 to be used toward research supplies to support her specific research project. By encouraging close working relationships between students and mentors, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning. - Adriana Landeros was selected from more than 150 applicants for one of 5 funded positions in our NIH-supported Hopkins PREP (Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program), which identifies promising PhD-oriented college graduates from underrepresented minority (URM) backgrounds for fulltime research in the mentor’s lab for 1-2 years.
- Min Sik Kim, Young Investigator’s Day, The Albert Lehninger Award (Akhilesh Pandey lab)
- Susan Liao: Sigma Xi Scientific Research Award (Ryuya Fukunaga lab)
The Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research GIARlogo (GIAR) program has provided undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences since 1922. By encouraging close working relationships between students and mentors, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning. The program awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from all areas of the sciences and engineering. Students use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.
- Jennifer Groves: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention
(Natasha Zachara lab) - Laurel Oldach: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention (Mollie Meffert lab)
- de Mauri Mackie: National Research Service Award, Predoctoral Fellowship (Joel Pomerantz lab)
The overall goal of the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) program is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available in appropriate scientific disciplines to address the Nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs.
- Elizabeth Petro: WCC/Eli Lilly Travel Award from the ACS (Dan Raben lab)
The ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) and Eli Lilly and Company sponsor a program to provide funding for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral female chemists to travel to meetings to present the results of their research. Through this program, WCC and Eli Lilly and Company continue to increase the participation of women in the chemical sciences. Awards are made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need. - Claudia Ruiz: Robert Goodman Neuroscience Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Joshua Schwartz: Amgen Research Scholar Travel Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
First offered in spring 2011, the Amgen Scholars U.S. Alumni Travel Award s are intended to encourage professional networking opportunities for program alumni focused on scientific careers. The award provides partial support of up to $1,500 for national or international conference expenses. - Wei Shen: Paul Ehrlich Award, YID (Craig Montell lab) The Paul Ehrlich Awards were established to honor Dr. Paul Ehrlich with funding originally granted by Dr. Emanuel Libman. The awards, which recognize student research contributions, are presented each year at Young Investigators’ Day.
- Yali Zhang: David I. Macht Award, YID (Craig Montell lab) The David Israel Macht Research Award was established in 1983 by the family of Dr. Macht to commemorate the centenary of his birth. Dr. Macht was a member of the faculty of the departments of Pharmacology and Medicine in the early part of this century and was a pioneer investigator in the field of opiate alkaloids. The award is intended to recognize excellence in investigation by a student in the School of Medicine.
- Corinne Hamblet: National Research Service Award, Predoctoral Fellowship (Joel Pomerantz lab)
- Daniel Pham: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award; 2012 – 2015 (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Claudia Ruiz: National Research Service Award, Predoctoral Fellowship (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Claudia Ruiz: Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Jay Shi: Johns Hopkins Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Yu-Wen A. Huang: Graduate Student Association Travel Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Joshua Schwartz: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award; 2011: 2014 (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Jay Shi: Johns Hopkins Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Youngseok Lee: The A. McGehee Harvey Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (Craig Montell lab)
- He Li: Young Investigator’s Day, The Mette Strand Award (Denise Montell lab)
- Matt Boersma: Solomon H. Snyder Neuroscience Travel Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Elizabeth Eyler: David E. Rogers Award (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Li He: 1st Place Winner, American Society for Cell Biology Celldance Image Contest (Denise Montell lab)
- Yu-Wen (Alvin) Huang: Taiwan Merit Scholarship (Mollie Meffert lab)
- Tiffany Link: YID, Michael A. Shanoff Research Award (Michael Caterina lab)
- Bahawa Nimaga: Josephine de Karman Fellowship (Natasha Zachara lab)
- Bahawa Nimaga: ASBMB 2010 Undergraduate Travel Award (Natasha Zachara lab)
- Srona Segupta: Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award (JHU) (Natasha Zachara lab)
- Xiaoyue Wang: YID, Hans Joaquim Prochaska Research Award (Craig Montell lab)
Awards to Postdoctoral Fellows
- Wanda Figueroa-Cuilan: NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology (PRFB) (Goley lab)
- Eric Villalon-Landeros: NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship (Margolis lab)
- Kamau Fahie: American Heart Association Fellowship Award (Natasha Zachara lab)
- Hogan Tang: JHUSOM John G. Rangos Award Winner (Denise Montell lab)
- Hogan Tang: The Ruth D. Vogel Professional Development Award (Denise Montell lab)
- Hogan Tang: The Basic Cardiovascular Sciences BCVS Abstract Travel Award (Denise Montell lab)
- David Ronderos: National Research Service Award, Postdoctoral Fellowship (Craig Montell lab)
- Jessica Wilcox: National Research Service Award, Postdoctoral Fellowship (Michael Wolfgang lab)
- Marquis Walker: National Research Service Award, Postdoctoral Fellowship (Craig Montell lab)
Awards to Principal Investigators
- Erin Goley, Ph.D. elected to the ASCB Biology Council
- Erin Goley, Ph.D. receives The 2020 Lee Hood Prize in Biomedical Science
- Michael J. Wolfgang, Ph.D. named Director, Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research
- Michael J. Wolfgang, Ph.D. promoted to Professor
- Michael J. Caterina, M.D., Ph.D. named Director of the Department of Biological Chemistry
- Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D. receives the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- Ryuya Fukunaga, Ph.D., receives Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award
- Tamara O’Connor, Ph.D. (SOM) and colleague, Kimberly Davis, Ph.D. (JHSPH) received a Fisher Center Discovery Program Grant to study the role of amoeba in enhancing the ability of L. pneumophila to cause human disease.
- Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic Team Up to Participate in $20 Million Award to Study Sugar Molecules. JHU’s Natasha Zachara, Ph.D. and Gerald W. Hart, Ph.D., now at UGA, awarded one of four academic centers to launch the National Career Development Consortium for Excellence in Gkycosciences Training funded by NIH/NHLBI.
- Erin Goley, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award
- Joel Pomerantz, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Discovery Fund Innovation Award
- Seth Margolis, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Discovery Fund Innovation Award
- Michael Wolfgang, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award
- Ryuya Fukunaga, Ph.D., American Health Association Scientist Development Award
- Tamara O’Connor, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Discovery Fund Innovation Award
- Erin Goley, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Discovery Fund Innovation Award
- Karen Reddy, Ph.D. and colleague, Sean Sun, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Discovery Fund Innovation Award
- Karen Reddy, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award
- Natasha Zachara, Ph.D., and colleagues, Steven An, Ph.D., Phuoc Tran, M.D., Ph.D., JHU Radiation Oncology Discovery Fund
- Michael Caterina, M.D., Ph.D., Donlin M. Long Pain Service Award from the Blaustein Pain Research Program
- Michael Caterina, M.D., Ph.D., Named inaugural Director of the Neurosurgery Pain Research Institute at Johns Hopkins
- Mollie Meffert, M.D., Ph.D., March of Dimes Research Scholar
- Mollie Meffert, M.D., Ph.D., Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative Pilot Award
- Paul Englund, Ph.D., Elected into the National Academy of Science
- Seth Margolis, Ph.D., American Health Association Foundation Award
- Dan Raben, Ph.D., Medical School Alumni Teaching Award
- Michael Caterina, M.D., Ph.D. JHUSOM Brain Sciences Institute Sustaining Innovations in the Neurosciences Award
- Michael Wolfgang, Ph.D. American Heart Association Scientist Development Award
- Natasha Zachara, Ph.D. American Heart Association Scientist Development Award